Howdy! I can't say it is a white Christmas here but I am in good
company! I am at Katie's house down the road along with three other
volunteers who came down from Mpumalanga and Limpopo. Chad will be
joining us for dinner soon. Katie and I showed our visitors to the top
of Isandlwana today and now we are preparing for Christmas dinner.
We'll be having a glazed ham with all the fixins if all goes to plan.
The Christmas tree pictured is the tree in my rondavel. The real fun
starts tomorrow though. All 6 of us are heading to the Drakensbergs
tomorrow until the new year. We will start at Giant's Castle and make
our way up the escarpment the first day and then straddle the South
Africa-Lesotho border until new years where we will end up at the Sani
Top Chalet. This establishment boasts the highest bar in all of
Africa! Gotta bring in the new year with style and class, as would be
expected of such a classy crew. I hope everyone at home is having a
wonderful Christmas and continues that into the New Year! You are all
in my thoughts this year!
hey are you there the whole time with no vacation? can I email you?